Joytech AIO Cubis Coils 0.6ohm BF SS316 100% Genuine UK Vape Seller Joyetech
You must be over 18 to purchase this product. We have an effective and monitored age verification process provided by VerifyMyAge. We will not sell to persons that do not meet the age restrictions for this product and by continuing with this purchase you hereby consent to the processing of your personal data for age verification purposes.
About this item
5 x 100% Authentic coils for AIO/CUBiS 0.6 OHm. X5
BF SS316
0.6 Ohm
Stainless Steel
I have an effective age verification process that satisfies due diligence as described in the Business Companion guide for online age verification checks and I will not sell to persons that are under 18 years old.